About Us

At Worth it or Woke, founded in 2023, we recognize the growing disconnect between audience opinions and those of mainstream critics. We believe it’s time for a clear, conservative voice in the review landscape, and that’s why we’re here. Our mission is to provide a refreshing alternative to sites like Rotten Tomatoes by offering honest, value-driven reviews that help you make the best choices for your family’s entertainment.

We’re upfront about our biases, integrating them into our review process so you know exactly where we stand. Alongside our thoughts on the story, performances, and visuals, we assess the “woke quotient” of each program, letting you know if it’s distractingly high, tolerable, or not present at all.


Worth it or Woke Woke-O-Meter 0-50 is woke, 51-89 is woke-ish, and 90 and up is Based

The Woke-O-Meter is a graphic representation of how much a film, series, or video game is affected by the radical progressivism (if any) present in it.

The higher the score, the less woke it is (e.g. 90% Based is 10% Woke), and vice versa (e.g. 10% Based is 90% Woke).

Woke Elements

We recognize that not everyone has the same tolerance for radical progressivism, nor does everyone perceive wokeness in exactly the same way. Since our mission is to provide the best possible information and not marching orders, in addition to the more subjective Woke-O-Meter, we include a list of every possible element of wokeness that we find in every program and game. This way, even if viewers don’t agree with the percentage of wokeness we’ve assigned to the program, they still have everything they need to make an informed decision.


Woke [wōk]: adj.– 1. having a propensity for ultra/radical-progressivism, characterized by the active eschewing of objective truth, traditions, and societal mores that have been tried and tested for generations in lieu of nonsensical beliefs that defy logic and substantive supportive objective data. Ex: Roads are racist is a woke concept.

Based [bāst]: adj.– 1. abbreviated slang for “based in fact.” The opposite of “woke.”  2. courageous, unique, or not caring what others think. It’s especially common in online political slang. The opposite of “cringe.”

Examples of Wokeness in film
  • The forced celebration of behavior that, until 30 minutes ago, was deemed to be immoral, unethical, or the province of the profoundly mentally disturbed, and treating those who do not participate in said celebration as bigots.
  • Writing women as snarky prats who are better and smarter than every male in the film because every male in the program has been written as either a useless and/or evil caricature of a man.
  • Disney’s “not so secret gay agenda.”
  • Retconning strong male characters in their own sequels and reboots to be significantly lesser than previously established so that a “strong independent woman” can undermine them.
  • The purposeful misrepresentation of religion and the religious and/or capitalism and capitalists so that it/they may be used as straw men to forward a false (i.e. radical-progressive) narrative.
  • Manufactured diversity quotas for the sake of diversity over narrative.
  • The denial of objective truth, especially as represented by the intentional blurring of lines between good and evil – not as an interesting thought experiment but as an agenda-driven system of belief.

Questions? Please contact us at [email protected]
