Deadpool & Wolverine

It's flawed and overlong, but so what? Deadpool & Wolverine is the feel-good buddy film of the decade.
Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman
Shawn Levy
Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Superhero
Release date
July 26, 2024
Overall Score
Rating Overview
Rating Summary
It's been seven years since Hugh Jackman has donned the adamantium claws that made him a household name. Still, at nearly 60 years of age, he seamlessly slips into his iconic yellow and blue tights and signature growl as though he was playing Weapon X only yesterday.

Deadpool & Wolverine might be 10 to 15 minutes longer than needed and at times it's fairly repetitive, but who cares?! This is more fun than you've had at the theater in years.
Audience Woke Score (Vote)
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The Multiverse is in chaos, and the only two people who can save it are the wisecracking fourth-wall-breaking Deadpool and his man-crush, the mutant who’s the best at what he does, Wolverine. Together, they will hack and slash their way to saving the Sacred Timeline and each other, not to mention the MCU.

Deadpool & Wolverine Review

With painfully few exceptions, Netflix’s Beverley Hills Cop: Axel F being among the most recent, legacy characters and legacy IPs, especially male or male-centric ones, have been kicked around and treated like family members that the big studios that own them are ashamed to acknowledge. So, when it was announced that The House of Mouse was going to bring back one of the most beloved comic/comic book movie characters of all time, featured in a film franchise known for its diarrhea and masturbation jokes, one could be forgiven for puckering up in some warm dark places.

Fortunately, the main duo’s affinity for the character shines through in scene after scene as Jackman’s dour Wolverine plays rage-filled ying to Reynolds’ neverending diatribe of sophomoric yang. This dynamic was attempted in Deadpool 2 with Josh Brolin’s Cable but fell flat due to a number of factors, Cable’s lack of character development chief among them. In Deadpool and Wolverine, the chemistry sings.

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Whereas 2 sometimes felt relentless and chaotic, by keeping the focus tight on its two charismatic leads and infusing it with the perfect combination of heart, humor, and brutal violence, Deadpool & Wolverine effortlessly soars past the dreg that has become the MCU specifically and Disney programming in general.

Another shining star atop the film’s refrigerator art, as Wade and Logan go on a worlds-spanning adventure, good-naturedly harpooning many of the MCU’s blunders and missteps via The Merc with The Mouth’s signature meta-humor, the Deadpool & Wolverine delivers scene after scene of the best fan service ever put to film. Do not go hunting for spoilers, and hide your eyes from all of the marketing because D&W’s cameos are beyond next-level, and each one discovered before its time will rob you of much of the movie’s magic.

All of these warm and fuzzies aren’t just good but are dearly needed because the film’s plot is only slightly more undercooked than its villain. Played with aplomb enough to almost make up for being little more than a glorified plot device, Emma Corrin, best known for her role as Princess Diana in The Crown, manages to squeeze out and amplify both drops of character development written for her Cassandra. Performing real-life magic, she manufactures a three-dimensional performance virtually from thin air.

Ultimately, Deadpool & Wolverine is a savagely hilarious action-adventure comedy that relies on a lot of fun action sequences, tons of charisma, and gallons of chemistry between its leads. By the film’s end, your face will hurt from smiling.



It’s The 3rd One
  • There’s a sprinkling of sacrilege that inches its way past modern cinema’s ubiquitous overuse of the Lord’s Name. This is why I didn’t endorse the film as Worth it.
It’s Only Gay If You Don’t Laugh
  • The marketing campaign had some fans worried that Deadpool & Wolverine would lean hard into the bromance that Reynolds has been hinting at since the first Deadpool. However, the movie avoids this like the plague and instead dishes out a continual barrage of gay jokes that lampoon homosexuality rather than glorifying it.

James Carrick

James Carrick is a passionate film enthusiast with a degree in theater and philosophy. James approaches dramatic criticism from a philosophic foundation grounded in aesthetics and ethics, offering insight and analysis that reveals layers of cinematic narrative with a touch of irreverence and a dash of snark.


  • Bunny with a Key board

    July 26, 2024 at 1:12 am

    If it has Deadpool mocking the lgbt, making fun of pc culture like the Cable scene in number 2 (where domino agrees with the old white male), but has yukio and negasonic warhead, I wonder if he is gonna mark it woke.. and worth it?


  • CoffeeMe

    July 26, 2024 at 1:12 am

    I’m not optimistic. His noticeably brighter red suit screams Disney influence. Not sure I can take Dismal Deadpool.



    • Dan

      July 26, 2024 at 8:05 pm

      The suit looks exactly the same to me.


    • Enlightened Liberal

      July 28, 2024 at 3:15 am

      Not gonna lie, this is a goofy take. Bright red is WOKE now? Is Wonder Bread woke now too–given its colorful packaging?



  • b

    July 26, 2024 at 11:31 pm

    I’ll likely be seeing it on Tuesday (discount day) but I’m sure every showing will still be packed.


  • Matt

    July 27, 2024 at 8:24 am

    I found it dragged big time during much of the film, BUT it has some serious laughs. Not all of the jokes worked, but I would say the majority of them did. I liked seeing him and Wolverine together. It’s worth seeing for that and for the laughs, but like I said, the plot drags a lot and it isn’t the most interesting in terms of narrative. I liked the first two Deadpool films much more. I think it was fun having the two great villains in the first two, especially Cable.



  • widgetreine

    July 28, 2024 at 9:45 am

    I thought the first Deadpool was hilarious (making my uptight libtard sister look at me like I’d lost my mind). The
    second one not so much, but Deadpool and Wolverine, while a bit overlong, was great. Lots of snarky inside jokes
    and great cameos, great fight scenes (the initial one where Deadpool dances, and the one in the Honda Odyssey
    were terrific. The stuntmen don’t get enough credit). The special effects were good (how the heck did they do the fingers through the head?) Yes, some aspects fell a bit flat, but overall a great effort.



    • Ktuff_morning

      August 1, 2024 at 9:54 am

      You call your sister libtard? No wonder your family turned their backs on you.



      • snyderssoapbox

        August 3, 2024 at 2:44 pm

        Libtards ruin everything.



        • Jim

          August 17, 2024 at 9:38 pm

          All of your favorite movies were made by liberals. I hope you realize that.



        • gay####lover

          October 23, 2024 at 10:11 pm

          you talking down to me like that turns me on mmmmhhhhhhhmmmmmm



    • Jim

      August 17, 2024 at 9:37 pm

      Maybe the reason she thinks you’ve lost your mind is because you use words like “libtard.”



      • JimSucks

        August 18, 2024 at 3:19 pm

        I smell a libtard named Jim. You stink. Go away.



  • bowill01

    July 30, 2024 at 2:13 pm

    Pretty funny and they were a good duo. I wouldn’t say it’s good clean fun but definitely fun. Don’t take your kids.



  • Ktuff_morning

    August 1, 2024 at 4:13 am

    Worth it or Woke is woke. You don’t criticize obligatory racial inclusivity any more. Lots of that in Deadpool & Wokeverine. You also missed a gender pronoun sensitivity reference.

    They took out the gay cringe humor ostensibly because it’s “insensitive” and promotes “intolerance” towards homosexuality but there is such a thing as satire, meaning we could very well be making fun of the absurdity of the stereotype itself. Even when the point of the humor is ambiguous enough to make you wonder if it’s deliberately insensitive is funny too. Control of others with the political force of self-serving interpretation is despicably woke.

    They replaced gay cringe with gross cringe; the ugly dog licking his face for example. Did you notice the “highly offensive” Johnny Storm diatribe was completely gender/sexual/race sensitive?

    The edge of the movie was from gross cringe and sickening violence. How can the filmmakers make such depraved violence and yet scrupulously observe moral sensitivity? There seems to be a hypocrisy here.

    Worth it? Ummm not for $20. The Wolverine mask was very cool though.



    • Jim

      August 17, 2024 at 9:39 pm

      Because throwing a fit anytime a person of color appears on-screen is juvenile. What do you do when you go outside and see all the people of color everywhere?



      • JimSucks

        August 18, 2024 at 3:21 pm

        Hey guys, Jim’s upset again.



        • Josh

          August 19, 2024 at 3:44 pm

          Lmao i noticed 😂 “say you’re a libtard without saying you’re a libtard.”



    • Jim

      August 17, 2024 at 9:42 pm

      What racial inclusivity? 99% of the cast is white. Both lead heroes are white men. Even the villain is white. Blade showing up for a 5 minute cameo is too much diversity for you? Seriously, where’s the diversity and racial inclusivity you’re so upset about?



  • Ktuff_morning

    August 1, 2024 at 4:14 am

    fix my review and post it please. use asterisks or whatever.



  • BasedHunter24

    August 1, 2024 at 11:50 pm

    The fact that gender ideology was even mentioned makes it 100% woke, don’t get de-sensitized to the woke agender. Well done to the crew and actors though for their good work.



  • Tboi

    August 4, 2024 at 8:47 am

    Hey, could you review trap? It’s one I’ve been wanting to watch, but I’m not sure about the wokeness level


  • Хер Флик

    August 6, 2024 at 9:19 am

    Me and my Eastern European friends rated this movie as 3/10 gay trash



  • snyderssoapbox

    August 7, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    Well, I guess I’ll add my 2 cents. I liked DP3 about as much as I liked DP2. I liked the 1st one the best. I chose to overlook the shortcomings others have mentioned due to the combination we’d been waiting for of DP, and Wolverine. All the supporting characters of previous DP movies took a backseat to the action packed duo. I thought there was a good amount of action. Due to the fighting between Reynolds, and Disney, there were several parts of the film that were reshot, chopped, or changed. I wish Disney would keep their heads out of DP business. Reynolds seems to know what the fans want, and it isn’t woke, DEI, messaging. The movie was mostly based, but the inclusion of the lesbian characters from DP2 was carried forward. It was barely noticeable. Like I said, the other characters took a backseat to DP, and Wolverine. I had a great time. I would caution people who are easily upset by sacrilege, profanity, sexually graphic jokes, and gratuitous violence, this is not your type of movie. If you are a DP fan, it is more of the same.


    • Sweet Deals

      August 8, 2024 at 7:49 pm

      I’m going to risk being a wet blanket here, but I’d like to ask some questions for the audience.

      I normally don’t watch Marvel superhero flicks, or R-rated movies in general. Modern comic book movies tend to be overlong, under-plotted and filled with overstimulating cinematography, and I have a low tolerance for vulgarity. But I also understand that we’re all adults here, and everyone who buys a ticket knows exactly what they want and what they’re paying for. I have no intention of watching the film myself, but I’m not going to stop anyone else who wants to.

      The thing is, I can’t tell whether gratuitous vulgarity is “woke” or “based”. Because there’s so much of it in the popular culture I’ve grown desensitized to it, but I find it distracting at best and disrespectful at worst. I recognize that there are ugly and evil things in the world and they can be depicted on screen. I recognize that mocking these ugly and evil things can be funny, but vulgarity is usually funny because deep down, we know it’s supposed to be wrong and it makes us uncomfortable. I’m concerned that as popular culture grows increasingly desensitized to vulgarity, it gradually becomes normalized or people will unconsciously perceive it as harmless. And I can tell you that it’s not entirely harmless; I have some very bad adolescent memories of being verbally harassed with sexually-charged language by both boys and girls because contemporary popular culture had taught them that sexual harassment was not only funny, but also a sign of being virile and that the targets were supposed to enjoy it. (I didn’t, but teenagers are perennially stupid and peer-pressure prone).

      So I’ve got to ask, is gratuitous vulgarity and sarcasm “woke” or “based”? Because it seems to me that both parties have embraced it as their own.



  • Michael Summers

    August 9, 2024 at 6:55 pm

    Aside a lot of the foul language, I have to say I liked it. It not only poked at the alphabet groups that Disney is constantly pushing on viewers, and actually taking pot shots at Disney itself along with Marvel and it’s shitty failures in the MCU, it shows that they are listening to the fans. Maybe this will get them to start doing better films and stop pushing woke issues on us.


    • Cnan0126

      August 10, 2024 at 6:18 pm

      I thought it took pot shots at Fox. Which we all know is a right leaning network.


  • crymeariver

    August 11, 2024 at 1:23 pm

    do you dumb fucks know that deadpool is canonically pansexual in the comics right? AND that ryan reynolds himself has confirmed the characters sexuality in the films as well?? all those gay jokes is BECAUSE deadpool is attracted to men 💀💀💀 y’all are so in denial it’s so fucking hilarious



    • Sweet Deals

      August 11, 2024 at 4:16 pm

      I’m pretty sure the physical comic book canon has gone woke decades before the movies and the cartoons were allowed to (I’d say as early as mid-to-late 1980s). Today, I wouldn’t be surprised if every character in every comic book has been retroactively made into a promiscuous bisexual, even if the character has been dating members of the opposite sex or happily married for decades, or even if the character stars in a book intended for children.

      Because, as the woke love to tell us, nothing says “courageous hero” like sleeping around with whomever shocks your audience the most. (I’d say that we admire heroes because they are lovers of freedom, not because they are free lovers).



      • crymeariver

        August 12, 2024 at 10:16 pm

        i ain’t reading allat bs bruh 💀💀😭



        • Thompsin

          August 13, 2024 at 4:46 pm

          Yet you took the time to setup an account and comment on movies on a site that isn’t meant for you. You’ll do all that but you won’t take the time to read a reply. Go back to TikTok.



    • JimSucks

      August 18, 2024 at 3:27 pm

      Take your ratio like a man.



  • qwertyuiop

    August 23, 2024 at 2:07 pm

    reading all these comments makes me realize most of you missed the point of the film


  • Ahyesandsowhay9472847

    August 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm

    What kind of trash review is that ? Is the writer that psychologically fragile ? Seems like anything is called “woke” these days. Anyway, nice movie.



  • Ktuff_morning

    December 2, 2024 at 11:58 am

    BTW did anyone notice Deadpool’s stunt double was black? At the risk of stereotyping I can tell by the way he danced at the beginning. I’m not 100% sure but I’m pretty sure. Oh how dare I. Someone has to on this website. I’m the only non-woke person here and I’m a liberal. Google the stunt double, reveal that his face is white and not black and hence my face will be red like an Indian, not chutney but maize. But I doubt it. I’m confident I will remain blanched whilst unblanched if you follow my meaning.

    That’s where you made your mistake Carrick; tethering your website to conservatism. I told you to be nondenominational in your definition of woke but you didn’t listen and now you’re stuck and you can’t even be unwoke anymore, not without tarnishing your stinking faction with the inherent immorality of basededness. Do you still adhere to that cockamamie definition of woke including the height of liberal giraffes or whatever it was? It’s quite pathetic to see you flail around throwing admonitions against excessive morality within the hypocrisies of your religious and political ideologies. Give it up. Free yourself from your tribal handcuffs. italics..–>be more like me, your learned superior.

    Postscript: again, sir, that banner image. That ugly fat girl on the right grabs my eye every time and turns me off from your website. I mean to tell you this as a kindness. I’m curious, the old banner and the new banner were both obviously AI-generated (lazy and antithetical to art appreciation). What terms did you use to generate both images? Your readership would like to know. You definitely added “fat” or “obese” for the second one didn’t you? It would reveal so much of your thinking I would absolutely love if you told us specifically what those words you chose. Or are you too woke?


  • Ktuff_morning

    December 4, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    omg I totally forgot to say why a black dude in the Deadpool costume is woke. I got carried away.

    You’d THINK their number one concern in casting the stunt double is to maintain the illusion that the person in the costume is Ryan Reynolds AND everyone can tell when it’s a black dude in the costume get real SO we should use a young, fast white guy with similar physical structure but NO; they abandoned the precept of maintaining the illusion to fulfill the required quota for black actors to be considered for Oscar contention. Diversity is more important than reality in other words. They’re daring you to say something.



  • bababooie

    December 15, 2024 at 11:52 am

    This is full of gay allegory, obvious homoeroticism, and comments on gay sex. It’s nothing as satirical or sarcastic as people claim it is. Most of the movie, when not shirking off towards nostalgia and references, is just quip after quip of LGBT nonsense. There’s nothing based about the film.


  • Bussy Goblin The Bussy Gobbler

    December 24, 2024 at 2:09 am

    lmao unfortunately for y’all very fortunate for me but this is one of the gayest movies to come out this year and I loved it. I really love Deadpool 1, I do not remember Deadpool 2, but Deadpool 3 is my favorite. This movie is a win for the queer community. It’s funny, it has a good story, it has Blade is in it…. who doesn’t love Blade. Oh my God and do not get me started on Channing Tatum’s Gambit. he’s literally like the third hottest super hero in the movie. In order it goes Wolverine, Blade, and Gambit. The honda odyssey scene was crazy… i paid good money to watch the wolverine and deadpool have gax sex in a honda odyssey in a crowded theater… twice and tbh it was worth every cent. like this movie is so iconic Honda Odyssey is now a euphemism for gay sex. OH and the fanfictions are crazy. I just want to thank the writers on AO3 for their service. I got to cut this review short because I need to go read some rn lol tee hee ;P


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